Illegal parking
Illegal parking is a term used to describe vehicles that are parked without lawful authority. There is a difference in law between cars that park on private land and cars that park on the roads that are regulated by the councils under the Road Traffic Act, link below.
What is the definition of illegal parking?
Examples of illegal parking:
- parking on a zig-zag line usually positioned near a zebra crossing
- parking on double yellow lines
- parking on single yellow lines (refer to time restriction) on local sign
- parking in a disabled bay without a badge on display
- parking at the entrance of a drive-over
- parking on a red route
- parking on a cross hatch junction at traffic lights
- parking in a permit holder area
- pavement parking
All the above are acts of illegal parking and can attract fines. This can be from a fixed penalty to a court appearance. Fines can range from £80 upwards depending on the severity of the offence.
How to stop illegal parking?
- the use of warning notices on posts
- installation of thermoplastic line markings
- paint a red rout on the curb
- parole officer
- general motoring education; refer to the Highway Code.
- traffic control equipment
There are several ways to report illegal parking.
Click on the link below to establish which council is responsible for taking action.
Once you establish the council responsible for this, provides them a recent photo, date and time stamped and location. Has the vehicle been declared SORN, this means it should not be on a public highway.
Use FixMyStreet to report illegal parking. Let your local council know about illegal parking, cars blocking pedestrian access, or cars which creating a danger for others.
Report Illegal Parking using FixMyStreet
Motorists can know their rights by clicking on the link below.