Flashpark - Press

The Press

For all press enquiries, contact us at: 07498190548

Flashpark features in BBC documentary

See what our company is all about and hear from our director in this parking documentary by the BBC.  It shows our service, what we do and how we do it, explains just how effective we are and you can see the range of products we provide.  The documentary is called Parking Mad, our first feature starts at 36.06 minutes and ends at 38.07 minutes. The second feature starts at 56.08 and ends at 58.08 minutes.

Watch on the iPlayer

Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone Visits FlashPark

FlashPark recently had the honour of welcoming Home Office minister Lynne Featherstone to its London premises, giving the company the opportunity to highlight the latest advancements being made in the enforcement of unauthorised parking.

The head of business development at FlashPark, Costas Constantino, said that they were delighted to welcome Ms Featherstone, and took the opportunity to highlight the high self-imposed standards to which FlashPark operates.

PDF  Read the full report of the visit